art car sneak peek

Art Car Sneak Peek

April 11, 2024

6:00 pm

10:00 pm

Get a first look at the cars that make The Orange Show’s annual Art Car Parade one of Houston’s most memorable spectacles. With this special preview throughout Discovery Green and along Avenida de las Americas, you’ll not only get up close and personal with these fabulous, mobile pieces of art and whimsy, but also interact with the artists.

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Be a hero to this natural landscape that has stood to support your moments of play, exploration, and even civic engagement. You rely on these beautiful 12 acres for your wellbeing. And with your help it can support the community’s needs and environmental health.

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More to Discover

Discovery Green’s location in the heart of downtown, as well as its beautifully maintained landscape, makes it a much sought-after outdoor venue for events. From company picnics, fundraisers and product launches to concerts, festivals, birthday parties and weddings, the Discovery Green campus has the perfect spot for any event from 20 people to 20,000.