Feb 11: Due to rain, yoga class is canceled today


Uncommonly beautiful


Our mission is to provide an uncommonly beautiful, urban green space in the heart of Houston that serves as a village green for our city, a source of health and happiness for our citizens, and a window into the incredible diversity of arts and traditions that enrich life in Houston.

Discovery Green is a 12-acre park created by a public-private partnership between the City of Houston and the non-profit Discovery Green Conservancy. Since the park opened in April 2008, it has welcomed more than 20 million visitors and with hundreds of events a year.

About the Discovery Green Conservancy

Our story began in 2004 with a shared a vision of a beautiful oasis in the heart of Houston, a place to discover, explore, and connect.

A group of philanthropists led by Maconda Brown O’Connor of the The Brown Foundation, Inc, and Nancy G. Kinder of the Kinder Foundation saw the space as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create an urban park that would redefine the landscape of downtown. They were quickly joined by The Wortham Foundation, Houston Endowment, Inc and the City of Houston with then Mayor Bill White and Houston First.

With the guidance of Project for Public Spaces, the Conservancy mounted an intensive public input process. This feedback became the basis for the park’s programming.

We exist to bring the community together so Houstonians can discover more about themselves and one another. And that’s what we’re doing!

Our Mission:

"To provide an uncommonly beautiful, urban green space in the heart of Houston that serves as a village green for our city, a source of health and happiness for our citizens, and a window into the incredible diversity of arts, talents and traditions that enrich life in Houston."

The Conservancy fulfills its mission by offering continuous programming, attracting a diverse crowd, and maintaining a beautiful park. It works with numerous community partners to present three dynamic programming seasons each year most of which are FREE and open to the public.


Discovery Green helps Houston grow as a home for talent, creativity, health and prosperity by offering a unique and affordable green space to enjoy what is best about Houston, connect with fellow Houstonians, and experience what is wonderfully authentic about our community.


  • Sustain an exceptional environment for nature and people.
  • Offer opportunities for exploration, magic and joy.
  • Support tourism and revitalization of Houston’s central city.
  • Ensure that Discovery Green has the resources to carry out its mission.

Discovery Green's 990s

Our People

There is a team of committed board members, committees, volunteers and staff that work to make Discovery Green a home for talent, creativity, health and happiness in Houston.